Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Over Non-Indians:
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2022

19th ITWG Meeting
This meeting was held at the Palm Springs Convention Center in December 2022, in conjunction with the 17th National Indian Nations Conference that was hosted by the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians.
19th ITWG Meeting Resources
Airplane Reading Material:
Indian Civil Rights Act, 25 U.S.C.§§ 1304, as amended by VAWA Redline Version
Indian Civil Rights Act, 25 U.S.C. §§ 1304, as amended by VAWA
Inter-Tribal Working Group Summary of VAWA 2022 Tribal Provisions
Webinar Overview of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) 2022 Resources (Recorded April 21, 2022) (Video Recording)(PowerPoint PDF). This webinar provides an overview of the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization bill (VAWA) 2022. The webinar discusses the VAWA 2013 and 2022 Tribal Jurisdiction Provisions.
VAWA 2022 Covered Crimes Presentations and PowerPoints
First Facilitated Discussion: Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Protection Order Violations: First Facilitated Discussion Recording (YouTube) and First Facilitated Discussion PowerPoint (PDF)
Second Facilitated Discussion: Assault of Tribal Justice Personnel and Obstruction of Justice: Second Facilitated Discussion Recording (YouTube) and Second Facilitated Discussion PowerPoint (PDF)
Third Facilitated Discussion: Sexual Violence and Stalking: Third Facilitated Discussion: Sexual Violence and Stalking (YouTube) and Third Facilitated Discussion: Sexual Violence and Stalking (PDF)
Fourth Facilitated Discussion: Child Violence and Other Issues Including Habeas Corpus and Exhaustion of Tribal Court Remedies: Fourth Facilitated Discussion: Child Violence and other issues including Habeas Corpus and Exhaustion of Tribal Court Remedies (YouTube) and Fourth Facilitated Discussion: Child Violence and other issues including Habeas Corpus and Exhaustion of Tribal Court Remedies(PDF)
Fifth Facilitated Discussion: Alaska Provisions and Sex Trafficking: Fifth Facilitated Discussion: Alaska Provisions and Sex Trafficking (YouTube) and Fifth Facilitated Discussion: Alaska Provisions and Sex Trafficking (PDF)
Participant List
Law review article “How Failure to Protect Laws Punish the Vulnerable”
Article addressing the misuse of Failure to Protect laws in Oklahoma – “She Never Hurt Her Kids. So Why Is a Mother Serving More Time Than the Man Who Abused Her Daughter? Failure-to-protect laws are incarcerating women all over the country—for other people’s violence”
Optional Airplane Reading Material:
Supreme Court Case - Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta
Supreme Court Case - Denezpi v. United States
VAWA 2022 and Alaska Indian Tribes: Now That VAWA is Reauthorized, What Next?
VAWA 2013 Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction Five-Year Report
Tribal Legal Code Resource: Sexual Assault and Stalking Laws
Tribal Domestic Violence Courts and Tribal Domestic Violence Dockets
TLOA/VAWA Implementation chart-updated March 2022
Action Planning Worksheet
Short VAWA and TLOA Resources